How do they live? What do they feel? Mission Scoresby team kindly accepted to answer questions everyone is wondering about. They try to share their outstanding experience in 10 questions/answers. Or more...
Aug 25, 20164 comments
How do they live? What do they feel? Mission Scoresby team kindly accepted to answer questions everyone is wondering about. They try to share their outstanding experience in 10 questions/answers. Or more...
Read moreAugust 22, 20162 comments
How do they live? What do they feel? Mission Scoresby team kindly accepted to answer questions everyone is wondering about. They try to share their outstanding experience in 10 questions/answers. Or more...
Read moreAugust 20, 20161 comment
How do they live? What do they feel? Mission Scoresby team kindly accepted to answer questions everyone is wondering about. They try to share their outstanding experience in 10 questions/answers. Or more...
Read moreAugust 13, 20162 comments
How do they live? What do they feel? Mission Scoresby team kindly accepted to answer questions everyone is wondering about. They try to share their outstanding experience in 10 questions/answers. Or more..
Read moreaugust 10, 20162 comments
How do they live? What do they feel? Mission Scoresby team kindly accepted to answer questions everyone is wondering about. They try to share their outstanding experience in 10 questions/answers. Or more..
Read moreaugust 8, 20162 comments
INTERVIEW – To moove from one camp to another, the team experience the pleasant concept of portage. Imagine : going through dozen of kilometer of icy ground, moraines full of collapsing rocks, and jumping over bottomless cracks ...
Read moreJuly 30, 2016Comments are closed sur Portrait dessiné de l’inuit Ingkasi
"Here's a quick sketch of Ingkasi, owner of the vessel providing our travel and transportation equipment, a camp to another. I quickly drew my arrival Constable Pynt from the airport to our first camp Gurreholm, in the peninsula of Jameson Land. I tried to draw it clears, the essence of a situation. "
July 30, 2016Comments are closed sur L’équipe de Mission Scoresby se dirige vers le glacier Edward Bailey
STORY - After studying for several days Apusinikajik the glacier, the team of Scoresby Mission headed his rival Edward Bailey,
Read morejuillet 26, 2016Comments are closed sur Le Carnet d’Evrard #2
Je t’écris ce matin du 20 juillet parce que j’ai pris mon quart pour faire la vigie entre 5 et 7 heures, pour surveiller la venue éventuelle d’un ours sur le camp. Il fait jour comme toujours et pas trop froid, mais je suis tout de même emmitouflé dans ma doudoune à écouter le bruit du torrent en contrebas, des quelques oiseaux du coin, des blocs de pierres qui dévalent les versants alentours et des ronflements de quelques-uns de mes compagnons d’aventure.
juillet 26, 20162 comments
Nous nous réveillons sous un soleil radieux au-dessus du village d’Ittoqqortoormitt. La vue plongeante sur le fjord avec quelques icebergs isolés est spectaculaire. Ittoqqortoormiit, situé au-delà de 71° degrés de latitude, est le village le plus septentrional de la côte est du Groenland. Au-dessus, rien que des fjords sauvages et quasi inaccessibles jusqu’à l’extrémité nord de l’île constituant le plus grand parc national du monde.